Pricing Table

Fees effective from 1st July 2024

Weekday Appointments

OTHER Appointments

Will There Be Any Additional Costs?

In some instances there may be some additional costs for example if you need to have a procedure done or have further diagnostic interventions, like an ECG or Lung function test. These costs will be discussed with you at the time.

Paying and Getting the Medicare Rebate Quickly

Payment can be made after your consultation by cash, EFTPOS or credit card. If you’ve registered your banking details with Medicare, our receptionists will be able to process your Medicare claim on the spot. That saves you the hassle of a separate claims process and ensures the Medicare rebate arrives in your account quickly.

Due to Medicare laws, we are not able to accept the gap payment only. For example, if you are a HCC patient, for a standard consult you will need to pay $65 and will receive $39.75 back on the spot into your account, leaving you having paid the practice $25.25 for your visit to the GP.